Friday, November 16, 2012

Author's Note: This is my Patriots Pen for the year of 2012. I had to respond to; "What would you tell the founding father's of America?" I had to respond in 300-400 words.

A lot has happened to America in the past two hundred years. We have been through many brutal wars, tough economy, change in recourses amongst our society, and much more. I have always thought “What if we could go back in time and change these happenings from occurring?” This would be a great opportunity to be able to tell our founding fathers what they should prepare for and what can be changed.

First, I would explain to them about the uselessness of slavery. Even to this day, there is still a problem with verdict about the color of your skin. Our founders need to stop this mishap and prevent the upcoming Civil War. Imagine if you were a slave. Being a slave is like being a farmers ox. By ending slavery earlier in America, our country will save a lot of money, but more importantly, many lives.

While I explain the issues on slavery to the founders, I will make sure to mention about our tough times with economy, and how to prevent this from happening. Face it, us Americans are lucky people. Most of us have lots of money to live freely. We need to use our money wisely and efficiently. The founders need to realize how jobs can affect our countries people big time. During the time America was started, about everyone had a job. Now, about eight percent of Americans are unemployed. The founders of America need to encourage small businesses, which could improve Americas unemployment rate.

After I give them the heads up on the future economy, I will inform them on the value of our natural recourses. America provides many recourses. The founders of America will need to know how to use our recourses wisely. Our problem today is the amount we take from nature, and use it in our society.

The tips I will give our founders of America should help them decide the laws for early America. These tips should help them stop wars among America, economic crisis, and wasting our natural resources. Our founders, our fathers, have done a great job in America. I sure am proud to be an American.

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